Level 2 Accredited Service Provider

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What is a Residential Electrician?

Your local electrician must be qualified and able to cable through the walls, roof and under the house during all construction. It is also quite important for them to be able to understand the different kinds of wires that may be used, because different appliances and equipment require different wire sizes to function correctly. If the wrong wires are used on a device, it could result in malfunctions, overloaded circuits or in some cases, cause fires.

Another frequent job that gets assigned to domestic electricians is the upgrading of wiring, switches/control boxes and circuit breakers in older homes. Homes that were built before today's modern appliances (ie. computers, dryers, dishwashers and televisions) were not always wired to be able to handle such a large amount of electricity being used at once. A lot of older homes also have asbestos meterboards that are not safe nor compliant. Subsequently Switchboard/Meterboard box upgrades are often required for this reason, as well as more power being used without overloading the breaker. Another thing that occurs with older homes is the wires themselves could become worn and should be replaced to prevent malfunctions in service, or in some bad cases, house fires.

Probably one of the most common types of service homeowners require electricians is for assistance in installing light fixtures, appliances, and ceiling fans. Calling a domestic electrician for these kinds of jobs are highly recommended to ensure that these appliances and fixtures are done correctly and safely.

Here at EnergyEverywhere, our team of Domestic Electricians cover a broad range of services for all your residential electrical needs such as:

  •           • Switchboard Upgrades
  •           • 3 Phase Connections
  •           • EV Charging Stations
  •           • Metering
  •           • LED Lighting
  •           • Service Fuse/MPD Installs
  •           • Power & Lighting Services
  •           • Preventative Electrical Maintenance
  •           • Electrical Safety Inspections

So, if you would like to find out more about how we can help, you can give us a call on 0402 060 265. We look forward to helping you with all of your electrical requirements.

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